Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

World of Warcraft #7
Wildstorm Comics (DC Comics)
Simonson, Lullabi, Hope & Moy

The latest installment of Warcraft series has a fight on the high seas. Sure, you might be wondering why our heroes aren’t flying to their destination, but that is explained in this issue as they released their beasts of burden to freedom. That and it allows for them to take the very slow and dangerous road via a boat. The issue provides some good fighting and some excellent artwork. The character advancement in this issue was the acceptance of the king. It felt a little sudden to me.

Lo’Gosh, Valeera and Broll are cruising along in their ship when they are attacked by some intelligent sea creatures. The artwork involved for these creatures is outstanding. Once again, it doesn’t matter what type of race gets introduced in this comic the artwork makes them interesting, colorful and unique. The artwork is to be praised throughout.

Eventually, Broll and Valeera find themselves in the water. In an attempt to save Broll, Valeera snags one of the creature’s magic torrents. Broll warns her to not use the magic and she does. However, it isn’t clear in this issue what those repercussions were. Broll basically gets his hide saved.

Meanwhile, on the deck of the ship, alone, Lo’Gosh battles away the creatures. While doing so, he has some flashbacks. It helps to cement who he is and what happened to him. Not all of his origin is revealed, but at least a little of it is.

The issue ends with the group feeling stronger than ever.

The issue is good, but it isn’t the best of the series. It has the action you probably have come to expect, but it is missing the step by step explanation that we saw with the explanation of Broll’s background. I don’t expect all of Lo’Gosh’s past to be known, but I don’t expect the first piece to be that he is a king. It just feels rushed to me.

As mentioned, the artwork is the real highlight. This comic series does battles like no other. This particular issue is proof that it knows how to do fighting in and on the ocean.

I think this series is really solid and this issue fits right in with the rest of them. My concern is that new readers won’t be able to pick up any old issue and get into the same grove. I’m not saying the whole gladiator arc needs to be rehashed at the beginning of each issue, but maybe a small character snippet for each of the main three might be a good idea. If you are following this series I imagine you will like this issue, but maybe not as much as all the others.

4 out of 5 geek goggles

World Of Warcraft #7 (Cover A - Jim Lee)

World Of Warcraft #7 (Cover B - Samwise)