Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Wolverine Weapon X #1Wolverine Weapon X #1
Marvel Comics
Aaron, Garney & Keith

This comic made me think the following: yet another Wolverine title? Between the main title, the origins title, the one shots, Uncanny, Astonishing and on and on why do we need another Wolverine title? Well, this one has the team that was meant to carry this franchise on it. And believe me, it makes a huge difference. Even though this issue is another story dealing with Wolverine tracking down someone trying to make more of him it sets up a nice little plot and uses some simply storytelling to make it interesting.

Wolverine gets a blast from the past, who shows up and tells him about a company that stole the blueprints that made Wolverine and is cooking up to make a whole bunch more. Wolverine decides to head out on his quest to find and stop them.

The comic’s story has been done before and will be done again. This comic even makes light of that as Wolverine’s monologue suggests that every couple of months he has to show up to remind people that the perfect killing machine was already made. It’s brilliant because it’s funny, it makes the audience aware that Wolverine is aware that this goes on all the time and because Wolverine has certain pet peeves that he can’t let go and this is one of them.

The story doesn’t just ramp up to him starting out to find the new corporation that stole his plans. It also introduces the character of Wolverine. With him in so many titles it’s impossible to peg the one true characterization that works but this one comes close to the mark in my opinion. Wolverine is half drunk, sleeping on a train. A couple of muggers attack a woman. He gets his attention by snoring. Before you know it the guy’s hand is missing as Wolverine threatens his buddy. Wolverine walks off the train unwilling to talk to the female that he just saved. It’s perfect. Wolverine is a hero, but a reluctant one.

The artwork is tremendous. I got the Kubert cover that pays homage to the Barry Windsor-Smith cover and it’s a fantastic remake. The art between the pages is brilliant in every way. The panel layouts that lead you to the action are effective and simple. The attitude and darkness that Wolverine shows as he finds out about the weapon x reproduction may be the best art in the comic. The comic didn’t miss on any panel in the art department.

The comic moved fast to set up the plot for the arc, but wasn’t very action packed. The comic has some backup material including a ton of bios. The price tag may be steep but this series is worth looking into if you like Wolverine to have some wit and sense to him without constantly telling people he’s the best at what he does while he’s chasing women. I liked the issue and was surprised at how effective the plot setup was. This one is worthy checking out.

4 out of 5 geek goggles