Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Uncanny X-Men #507
Marvel Comics
Fraction, Dodson, Dodson & Ponsor

In the latest installment of Uncanny X-Men we get a resolution to the Colossus sub-plot and a basic resolution to the Beast and Angel sub-plot but the real fun is about to begin with the big reveal at the issue’s end. While this title hasn’t been dealing with huge stories since Messiah Complex wrapped up over a year ago it has been a quality read month in and month out. I would think that we will begin to see more and more interesting things unfold as more players are put into place with each issue passing by.

Perhaps the more interesting of the plots deals with Beast and Angel’s recruitment of the X-Club. It seems obvious that the events of M-Day are trying to be reversed by the characters to free up some story telling possibilities for the creators. In this issue they have to fight their way out of Godzilla-like creature’s grasp to make their way home with their final scientist added to the team. This plot also shows Beast the darker side of Angel which could lead to some friction down the road.

Placed side by side with the battle against Godzilla is the fight that Emma and Colossus bring to the tattoo man. While the plot is so-so the set up of having Godzilla stomp in one panel followed immediately by Colossus stomping the tattoo guy in another panel was a great way synch up stories occurring in two completely different locations. This was a cool way to tell a story.

When the issue concludes, Emma and Colossus have a good understand of each other and seem to be in a place of trust and caring for one another. Meanwhile Beast and Angel are having a difficult time talking about the dark side of Angel. Scott has a very interesting and odd conversation with the mayor of San Francisco and Emma shows what she does to prisoners. Oh, and a big villain seems to come back in a big way.

The issue moves quickly. It closes a couple of stories and opens things up for big ones later. Some of the threads, like the refugees, are barely addressed but you know they lie in waiting for future issues.

The artwork is fun all around. Colossus beating on the tattoo guy and his men or Beast and friends trying to fight the Godzilla creature were all great visual storytelling elements. However, the image on the last page steals the show.

Uncanny is taking an interesting turn in that it’s telling multiple stories at the same time. It’s wrapping up one while another is in the middle while a third or fourth is just starting. I like the concept, but I am still waiting to see the arc where the M-Day arc gets reversed. I think we are finally seeing those seeds start to grow in this issue.

3.5 out of 5 geek goggles