Trending Comics: Moon Knight #1 Tumbles, Harley Quinn ShinesMoon Knight tumbled while Wonder Man and Harley Quinn made gains in this week’s Trending Comics.

What goes up must come down, and that’s exactly what we see in the Hottest Comics. Where one comic takes a tumble, there are four more ready to take its place. Such is the case with this week’s list.

Remember that the Hottest Comics are all about sales volume, so the list is not an indicator of fair market value. There may be other comics fetching more impressive numbers with huge leaps in fair market value, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the top seller. However, many times the comics climbing the sales charts are also getting a boost in FMV. 

With that in mind, it’s time to look closer at these five issues.

19. MOON KNIGHT #1 (-19)

Trending Comics: Moon Knight #1 Tumbles, Harley Quinn Shines

This always happens. In the weeks and months leading up to a Marvel movie or streaming series’ premiere, those key issues are booming. After the newest MCU sensation reaches audiences, business keeps thriving…for a time.

Once the new wears off, collectors move on to the next investment target. Such is the case for 1980’s Moon Knight #1. This had been nestled into the top-five Hottest Comics for several weeks. After holding the number one position, it careened into 19th. 


Trending Comics: Moon Knight #1 Tumbles, Harley Quinn Shines

Lady Gaga isn’t the first name I associate with comic book speculation. Regardless, she has given speculators a new reason to want Harley Quinn’s first appearance. In recent weeks, details about The Joker sequel have emerged, and the word is that director Todd Phillips wants to make it a musical. Lady Gaga has signed on to portray a singing and dancing Harley Quinn opposite Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker. That has led buyers back to the doorstep of The Batman Adventures #12.


Trending Comics: Moon Knight #1 Tumbles, Harley Quinn Shines

Since the second season of The Mandalorian, characters from Star Wars: Rebels have been rumored for Disney+. It started with Sabine Wren before Kanan Jarrus made a cameo in The Bad Batch.

Earlier this year, the gossip was that Kanan and other Rebels characters would be brought to live-action via The Mandalorian. Star Wars keys have been red hot for the past two years, and this will keep Kanan #1 booming for the foreseeable future.


Trending Comics: Moon Knight #1 Tumbles, Harley Quinn Shines

Buyers are always interested in firsts, and they were eager to add the first issue of Spider-Man’s second ongoing series to the long boxes. It also happened to feature Spidey’s greatest villain, the Tarantula, and that’s always a plus. Okay, maybe “greatest” is a slight overstatement.

Besides this being Spidey’s second series, I can’t say exactly why Spectacular Spider-Man #1 made the list. All the same, it landed in the top 100 this week.


It was not a surprise to see Wonder Man’s first appearance make it into the Hottest Comics. The only surprise here is that Avengers #9 didn’t rocket further up the ranks. With the Wonder Man announcement, it has made prized possessions of all his key issues.

As always, the collecting target begins and ends with the first appearance. In the coming weeks, this issue comic will likely find its way into the top 20 if not the top 10.

Keep up with each week's Trending Comics!

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.