Per the Cleveland Free Times, Michael Levin, former chairman of the Superman Committee overseeing the "Summer Of Superman" festivities in Cleveland, which involve restoring Jerry Siegel's home and building a Superman musuem, is blasting Dennis Roche for replacing him.

Levin claims to have spent $20,000 on the projects to date: travel to New York to speak with a team from DC Comics, legal fees for establishing a 501(c)3 for the group, and on preliminary museum designs by Dennis Barrie, a well-known local cultural historian.

But Levin says Roche replaced him with Richard Pace, who runs a local real estate firm. Also now in the mix is Rock Hall president (and former CEO of Marvel Comics) Terry Stewart, who is negotiating with his former nemesis, DC Comics, for its blessing to host Superman events in town.

"I have it all set up to go," says Levin. "I have all the money raised. But Dennis can't make any money that way. Instead, they're going to scam as much money as possible and screw it up. Watch, they'll go to the Port Authority to get money to build the museum and Pace will design it. This doesn't smell fishy, this smells like dead fish."

Just a difference in opinion, or something more? You decide.