Heads up folks, there is an old school web-head in town the Amazing Spider-Kid. This character first appears in Amazing Spider-Man #263 the first official Spider-Kid. The issue was created by Tom Defalco (script) and Ron Frenz (pencils) in 1985. I had no idea about this comic’s price jump. It was not on my radar screen; then, I stumbled on it moving up the ranks very recently. Sure enough, when I took a closer look at the returns on this investment, they have been nothing short of phenomenal. How this minor key escaped my notice until now has my spidey-sense doing summersaults.

Amazing Spider-Man #263

The big eye-opener is the (9.6) near mint grade which shows a 677% mind-boggling return! Hold onto your spider web folks, this is just the last year’s return. Spider-Kid’s rocket ride is truly straight into outer space all 677% of it. The positive trend spans ASM #263 in multiple grades with a mint grade (9.8) copy trending up 168.1% for the year. Even more daunting is the consistency this comic book has had over the last twenty years. By adjusting the time frame over the first half of this decade (2000-2018), ASM #263 has an ROI of 211% in a (9.8) mint condition comic. Further, a graded comic of (9.6) drops 300% due to the time frame adjustment of 20 years, but it still maintains awe-inspiring 361% return. This is the first Spider-Kid, and it is the hot tamale speculation of May.

Spawn Drop

Spawn #1 has fallen 75 spots to rank #237 most active comic book (GoCollect). This tragic character was created by Todd McFarlane (ink, pencils, and script). This is probably his Mona Lisa. During the early 1990’s there was nothing hotter than Spawn. This guy even had a toy line created to commemorate his tragic hero. The story is classic; Spawn returns from hell for revenge and his all-time love Wanda. Malebolgia (the devil) lets him return from the grave in a hideous demonic form which terrifies his wife and robs him of his love. But he does get his revenge, of a sort. The series goes on to highlight police detectives, a shadowy government organization like an evil NSA, various love interests and even fallen angels. Spawn is a supernatural story on steroids and a fun ride. Think of Deadpool with horns and no sense of humor.

Currently, with the hype regarding “other” mega-movies now getting all the oxygen; Spawn is off the radar and has seen a drop in interest. This could continue for the foreseeable future and even lead to a steep price drop off. That would be the time to buy Spawn #1. After all, a (9.8) mint is averaging around $129 on eBay as of four days ago. If that is too expensive, try $30 for an (8.5) same time frame. Basically, for less than $130 you can own a mint copy of what is probably McFarlane’s masterwork.

Personally, I think he broke the mold with Amazing Spider-Man #300 an excellent cover and continually getting homage throughout Marvel’s books. McFarlane fans are never dissuaded from their hero worship as Spawnistas. There are so many fans of Spawn that they could fill up the Malebolgia plane of hell, and then some. Hold your nose from the stink of sulfur and pick up a couple of copies for speculation before 2019.