Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Lone Ranger #10
Dynamite Entertainment
Matthews, Cariello & Cassaday

This issue wraps up the second story arc in the Lone Ranger. It has lots of Tonto and lots of the Ranger’s character on display.

When we last left off the man wanted for murder shot the Lone Ranger, who was protecting him while investigating the murder. Tonto assesses the situation and then takes off after the man who shot his friend.

Some excellent artwork shows the chase and capture between Tonto and his fugitive. We see how the man could have shot the Lone Ranger in the chest and the Lone Ranger live as Tonto is shot in the hand at close range and is okay due to the weak gun used.

The Lone Ranger is healed, helped along by this Brother’s widow. Tonto uses some tweezers to yank out the bullet in his hand and he’s good to go. The Lone Ranger wastes no time confronting the fugitive. Scared, he reveals his past and his long history of killing. Basically, the Lone Ranger’s instincts that this guy was innocent of the one particular murder, but not innocent in general were right on. The Lone Ranger is beginning to realize he is a pilgrim in some unholy land. There ain’t a lot of good guys out there I reckon.

Now the question comes up of what they do with the guy. He’s a murderer. Do they take him in and have him hanged? Do they just kill him themselves? If they bring him home to Mexico he’ll be arrested there too. Tonto just wants the guy dead. But Ranger gets some advice from his sister-in-law about doing what he’s think is right. Follow his instincts so to speak.

Finally, after telling his intentions to the fugitive, he brings him in to a Sheriff Loring, who has a reputation for being a fair guy. The Lone Ranger lays out the facts and tells the Sheriff he’ll be seeking him out again if the Sheriff is the straight and narrow guy he suspects he is. Oh, and this is done all in the shadows, he never reveals his face – or mask in this case.

All this and Cavendish realizes he is bankrupt and heads for Texas.

Another solid issue. There is some action, but mostly we dive deeper into the mind of the Lone Ranger, while we get some more tidbits about Tonto. For a comic that only has a few characters in it there really is a lot to explore in terms of their inner workings.

The art is stunning yet again. The “wide screen” look on the pages are brilliant. Not to mention the colors of the background and the shading during the night scenes. The whole issue sparkles and just speaks as if it is the old west.

This comic really isn’t for someone to just pick it up and read though. A newcomer would have no idea who this fugitive is or why is being hunted. This makes the issue really specific to those already onboard. I hope future arcs wont shut new readers out.

Anyway, I am not sure when the next arc comes out, but this title is outstanding and I am sure something will follow soon after the “Lone Ranger and Tonto” one-shot.

If you aren’t reading this and like either westerns or character driven stories than pick this title up at some point.

4.5 out of 5 geek goggles.

Lone Ranger #10

D. E.