Suspended Animation Review


The original Aesop, Mother Goose and Grimm fairy tales we grew up reading have been redacted! Ad-mittedly, they were pretty nasty.

The new comic book, Jack of Fables, starts out mildly nasty and stays that way; its villain is quietly working behind the scenes in Fable-town. His name is Revise, and he wants to redact the home of all fairy tales, Fabletown, where Snow White, Paul Bunyon, and Jack Horner [aka Jack B. Nimble, Jack Frost, Jack the Giant-Killer] live with lots of fairy tale characters.

It's a lousy place.

Here's what's happening in Fabletown by the second issue: Jack Horner has been kidnapped, beaten, and taken to a prison camp, the Golden Boughs Retirement Village. A promotional blurb says he meets "the enigmatic author of his current dilemma: the mysterious Mr. Revise!"

Here's the look of Jack: its art is closer to reality than 'bigfoot' comics, and the visual storytelling is competent, crisp, and interesting.

Here's the flavor of Jack: "Sun shining brightly through the bedroom curtains [thinks Jack]. Birds merrily chirping, and all that other happy morning crap. Give me a break." This as Jack lies in bed next to a naked Goldilocks whom he doesn't even like.


Yep, sex, violence, selfishness, profanity, and the 'everything is crap' mentality once again equates adult literature (i.e. the real world).

Here's real reality: life is full of joy and crap, not just crap.

Jack of Fables is a well-written, well-drawn, and interesting comic book; it can be a great one with some balance. Let's hope the creators learn the balancing act in future issues. There is much potential for great storytelling in Fabletown. MV

Jack of Fables #2/22 pgs. & $2.99 from Vertigo/writers: Matthew Sturges, Bill Willingham; penciller: Tony Akins /available at on-line & storefront comics and book shops, or at MV

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