My web hosting service has advised there will be a "maintenance window" starting Friday night at 11 PM EDT. Any disruption in service should last no later than 6 AM EDT Saturday.

HostICan is committed to bringing better standards of web hosting to our entire customer base. Upgrades and Maintenance windows are very important to keep stability of service. Thus, we have scheduled a maintenance window:

WHEN: 11:00 PM – 6:30 AM EDT Friday–Saturday September 28th 2007

WHAT: All services will be affected at this time. We will be upgrading our core network and migrate servers from one of our cages to a larger cage. This will help us further organize and improve our service to you as a customer.

If you have regular visitors to your site during the above hours, we suggest that you put up a notice to inform them of the maintenance window. We know from past experience that they will appreciate this and that it will, as a result, have minimal impact on your online presence.

We do appreciate your understanding in this matter, and for supporting us in making a better service for you. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

HostICan Operations