There’s a new report that Marvel has found its Mephisto, and the people did roll their eyes.

How many times have we been down this path? In the past year alone, there have been numerous rumors and theories of Marvel’s very own Satan being in the MCU. Considering Feige’s quest to turn the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe into a giant, kitschy sitcom, the latest rumor holds more weight than what we’ve seen in the past. As multiple news outlets are reporting, comedian Sacha Baron Coen has signed with Marvel Studios to bring Mephisto to life for the Disney Plus Ironheart series. Then again, we’ve been down this road before. 

This has basically been the pattern for three years now. It started in 2019 when Kevin Feige first announced Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. At the time, it was billed as Marvel’s first horror venture (and we saw how that turned out with more sitcom hijinx), which inevitably led to comic book Hell. Then WandaVision came along and provided us with a devil-shaped red herring before revealing that it was Agatha all along. Next up was Spider-Man: Far From Home with a plot that was so tantalizingly close to the “One More Day” story arc that we were certain we’d see Mephisto this time around. Yet, no Satan.

Personally, I’ve leaned toward Feige being the real Mephisto of Marvel. All the miscues and bad comedy surely have the devil to blame, right? 

At any rate, it should impact the values of those demonic keys you’ve been stockpiling for years now. Of course, this has been the running joke of the MCU. Every time the clues seemingly add up to Mephisto making his debut…nothing. It makes for a roller coaster when it comes to those Silver Surfer #3 fair market values. 


In the words of Tim from Jurassic Park, “And we’re back in the car again.” By car, I mean Silver Surfer #3 and all those Mephisto memes.

It all leads to this. With so many misfires, it’s understandable that buyers will be hesitant this time around. Still, the Coen casting report does have merit, so this might be the moment it all comes together. 

Disappointment or not, it hasn’t slowed the 9.8’s prices. In 2020, one sold for over $38,000, and that was the only sale for two years. Then in April, another brought more than $55k at Heritage Auctions. For those of us without five figures to throw at a Silver Surfer #3, there’s the 9.0, which has been earning under $2,000 as of late. 


If your budget is too tight for a Surfer #3, but you still want some of the Mephisto action, take a look at Surfer #16. This featured his second appearance on the cover art. There hasn’t been a 9.8 to trade hands online since 2012 when it sold for $3,000. This past June, a 9.6 earned $1,680.


Anytime there are casting rumors, we always have to take them with a grain of salt. Their accuracy is about 50/50 at best, though those Harrison Ford casting rumors turned out to be true. That leaves me thinking Coen will indeed play Mephisto, and the news should be official sometime soon. Either that or Feige is pulling our strings and laughing the whole time.

Want more Mephisto spec?

*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not represent advice on behalf of GoCollect.