Haunted Eyes Painting on Indie Comics Magazine #6 coverMedia Release -- The haunted, green eyes of a beautiful Terry Pavlet heroine stare from the cover of Indie Comics Magazine's Summer Issue, scheduled for preorder in Diamond's June 2012 Previews under Aazurn Publishing.

Pavlet is a freelance Illustrator and graphic designer who has worked in comics, RPG/CCG games, and books and magazines, with Image Comics, Ballantine Books, Wizards of the Coast, Disney, and many more.

One of the industry's most versatile artists, he has created covers, interiors and logos in genres as diverse as fantasy, horror, cartoon, children's works and film noir.

Indie Comics Magazine's Summer Issue cover is from the Dusk trade paperback, published by Dusk Comics, about the life of a powerful and handsome vampire. Terry is currently plotting and creating covers for a Dusk Comics series called Strange Detective Mysteries.

Indie Comics Magazine's Summer Issue will feature eight complete stories, from creators as diverse as Star Trek book writer Frederick Kim, Norwegian Glenn Møane, Australia's Paul Bradford and Haller Award winner Joe Sergi.

A video preview of this issue is online at IndieComicsMagazine.com.

Short biographies and contact information are included with done-in-one stories in Indie Comics Magazine so readers can easily seek out more of their favorite creators' work. Visit Pavlet at tpavlet.wordpress.com

Indie Comics Magazine is 64 pages of the best story and art from today's independent comic book creators. No huge overprint, no digital version, no back issue sales, June's Previews under Aazurn Publishing is the ONLY way comic readers can get Indie Comics Magazine's Summer Issue! Visit Indie Comics Magazine online at IndieComicsMagazine.com.