I value readers who take the time to comment on my articles.  Sometimes I may not agree but I do respect your opinion.  I feel now was a great time to address some of the points made by our readers.


Writing Articles to Inflate Prices of Books I Own

Reputations take a lifetime to build and yet can be destroyed in a day.  I have taken pains to build my reputation as an honorable man.  I write about books I want to own or think can rise in value.  When I write about my picks it is not to drive the value of my own books up but rather to let people know my thoughts on comic books.  I received advice that helped me with my collection in the past, so why not share some of that wisdom.  Now I want to help you, the reader, by sharing my views, so the books I am writing about I am chasing too.

Case in point #1 is my article where I listed Captain America #217  as an undervalued book.  I believed this book was important because of the first appearance of Wendell Vaughn,  who would later become Quasar.  This character has the possibility to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Before my article went online I purchased this book for $5 at a live auction.  A short time after my article went online I paid $55 for the same book in the same grade at that very same auction house.   I still think I got a great deal but boy did I end up paying for that book because I shared my views.  I am not looking to sell soon so I consider this a long term hold.


To Err Is Human... Except in Blog Posts!!!

One of the things you should understand about me is that I am different from you.  My experiences and perspectives are different based on my life.  That does not make my opinion absolutely correct and the readers' opinion incorrect.  Instead, we must understand the different factors and variables that are in play in the market and how each person is unique.  In my articles, I will present my research on why I made the recommendations that I used to base my decision.  Readers then can make an informed decision on the information presented and how it applies to them.  Every blogger wants you the reader to review our work and then make an informed decision for yourself. These are opinions and not facts.

Case in point #2 is my belief that the regular issue of Ultimate Fallout #4 is severely overvalued.   I think there are a ton of investors who are buying this book and hoarding it for the day when it will come time to sell.  That is when there will be more sellers than buyers and a price correction for the FMV of that book could occur.   My recommendation to avoid this pitfall is to look at another issue.  I am not big on variants but if you want to go for a true first appearance that can sustain its value, then a lower print run variant may be the better choice than investing in Ultimate Fallout #4.


I will keep researching and writing this blog to share my opinions and insight into the hobby.  I encourage readers to comment not only on my blog but those of other writers as well.  There we can answer your specific questions.  Writers can also obtain input from readers on future articles.  We may disagree on some posts but knowing what the other side is thinking allows us to better understand the market that collectors, investors, and speculators must navigate.  Be nice even if you disagree with a post or find a mistake. The comment sections are meant for an open dialogue to express thoughts and opinions, but that does not mean we must forget to be respectful.