Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Walking Dead #132Walking Dead #132
Image Comics
Kirkman, Adlard, Gaudiano & Rathburn

Walking Dead rolls on with an issue devoted almost entirely to fighting against zombies. This is something we haven't seen in a long time and that is a welcome site at this point in the new direction for the book. It's a clever issue too as it explores the whole idea that zombies can talk now. The book seems to be turning towards a new set of villains to deal with and that is probably overdue. This is a pretty good comic book, but by Walking Dead standards it's an above average book.

The book begins with a nice moment among some of the original characters. Rick, Carl, Sophia and Maggie all take in a nice sunset together. They have seen a lot together and now they seem to be able to live just as people may have done pre-zombie apocalypse.

The bulk of the book is action. The search party that went out looking for the missing man gets themselves cornered. Unable to hide in the barn, the group is forced to battle it out with zombies. They gather up a nice strategy and it seems to be working against the zombies. Then they panic as they notice a couple of zombies talking and holding weapons. As one noted, they've seen zombies holding things before so why should this be any different? When one of the zombies takes a swipe at them it becomes a game changer.

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle ReviewsThe oddity with the issue is the opening sequence that barely picks up the threads from the previous issue's cliffhanger. I'm not sure I'm a fan of a cliffhanger that gets little page time in the next issue. Then again it may not make a difference because the focus of the issue is so clearly in a different direction.

The artwork is very good. It's been a while since Walking Dead required this much from the art department and the team delivered. There is plenty of action and plenty of extremely graphic panels. The book looks like an old-school Walking Dead comic book and that it is a good thing.

Walking Dead is a great read. It presents a great group of characters as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse while dealing with the descent of their fellow man. However, you get down issues that generally build to something great. This issue marks the turns towards that upswing. This is a good comic book.

3.5 out of 5 Geek Goggles