Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Transformers Combiner Hunters Special #1Transformers: Combiner Hunters
IDW Comics
Scott, Pitre-Durocher & Yamaishi

"Transformers: Combiner Hunters" is a one-shot that provides a vehicle to introduce the new Combiner, Victorion. The comic focuses on three female Transformers: Windblade, Arcee and Chromia as they deal with the theft of the Enigma of Combination. This is some sort of device that aides or creates Combiners it seems. The comic is deep into the Transformers universe and is not for everyone. It's a nice enough one-shot but really leaves the entry-level reader cold when coming into this comic book. This is an okay comic book but definitely not essential reading, unless you are a speculator on first appearances.

Arcee steals the Enigma. She's against the political ramifications that this device holds and she is against the side that seems to command the device's power. Windblade seems to be the peacekeeper and the one willing to get the device back by talking reason with Arcee. I'm not sure what Chromia's purpose is in the book. Things go wrong and Victorion is created. The three must solve the problem before blowing everything up.

The primary purpose of the book is to introduce the new Combiner. That seems to be a success. The secondary purpose is to showcase the female Transformers and that is a mild success. I came away understanding two of three's personalities and motivations. I'm not sure their characterizations matter in the long run but for this comic book I came away with a sense of what they are about.

The book contains some action and that helps the pace. The politics and importance of the device is lost on me. Somehow this device is so important that only two Transformers guard it. I'm not seeing that. Why not store it in Optimus Prime or something?

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle ReviewsThe artwork is good and that helps the reading experience. One of the drawbacks with Transformers is being able to tell them apart and the artwork cuts that potential problem down immediately. The book is bright and lively and the action is smooth and detailed. The comic book is a very good artistic presentation.

"Transformers: Combiner Hunters" is a one-shot that seems to cater to the readers of the main Transformers title. This issue introduces a new Combiner and gives some focused time on three of the female characters. The plot and execution leave a little to be desired but the comic is an okay enough read. The artwork helps to keep the pace up in this book and presents a nice story. Overall, this is a decent book but not an essential one unless you are tracking first appearances.

3 out of 5 Geek Goggles