Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Batman And Robin #11Batman And Robin #11
DC Comics
Morrison, Clarke & Hanna

The Return of Bruce Wayne begins here! Well, in some respect you might be able to claim that it is inferred that Bruce is fact "here" and very active in this issue. This issue continues the clue discovery by Dick Grayson (Batman) and the problems that Damian (Robin) faces as he is attacked outside in the Wayne Manor graveyard. This is a very good issue because it begins to unfold a villain plot that seems to tie in with the missing Bruce Wayne while at the same time continues to reshape the relationships of Dick and Damian and the mysterious character Sexton. This issue proves that Morrison has larger plans than a simple six part return story that begins in June.

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle ReviewsAs we've seen in previous issue we get drips of a larger villain conspiracy to start off the issue. There are only three pages dealing with this and I don't want to spoil or speculate what's happening but it appears a character has unmasked himself in such a way that could cause some ripples later on. The scenes are heavy on the symbolism as Morrison wants you to pull your hair out trying to figure out the angles.

From there we go back to Wayne Manor. Dick is trying to make his way through the clues and passageways to find something about the disappearance of Bruce. Many of the clues point to something called "Barbatos". This is another character concept that Morrison has found in the long history of Batman that he is reinventing and placing in this story. Barbatos seems to also have ties to the villains that are attacking Damian and Sexton.

In the graveyard Sexton begins to show his skill in a brawl and Damian calls him out on it. Damian has deduced that Sexton is, in fact, Bruce Wayne. This brings an interesting dilemma. Bruce is the master of disguise. If he were Sexton then he wouldn't let anyone figure out who he is unless he really wanted them to. On the other hand, Sexton is an obvious fraud so if he is not Bruce then who is he and what does he want? Morrison pulls off another mystery within the mystery in this book.

Damian is still battling his mind control placed in his brain by his mother. She gives the controls to an assassin to finish off Dick Grayson. This brings up more questions because if Sexton is Bruce then Damian's mother would be potentially placing her son at war with Damian's father, Bruce. This is an interesting twist to the plot. As if that weren't enough we have more dominoes and circus talk to ponder.

The art is very good. I have to say that to look at Sexton, even in a full mask and coat, he appears to be very similar to that of Bruce Wayne. I credit this to the art team and give some big props for it. I also enjoyed the new character's designs and uniqueness. I'm inclined to say I enjoyed this art as much as any in this series and that's saying something.

Batman and Robin is a title that is mixing in a lot of mystery and building several stories to a much larger climax. This isn't all just about Bruce Wayne being missing. I like this comic book and I definitely think it's as good as some of the previous ones in this series. I do think someone coming in cold would be a little lost but it is only the second issue of the arc so there isn't much to catch up on. I highly recommend this comic.

4 out of 5 Geek Goggles