Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Amazing X-Men #4Amazing X-Men #4
Marvel Comics
Aaron, McGuinness, Vines & Gracia

Amazing X-Men is hitting its stride with a fun and emotionally charged issue. The book finally brings the various character factions together as they prepare for the final battle in Hell. The book's plot isn't overly complex and it doesn't seem that the resurrection of Nightcrawler isn't all that difficult either, but the simplicity plays well for the comic. The artwork is as comic book-y as they come with the big time characters doing cool things. This is a good issue and I definitely recommend it.

The X-Men are scattered. Wolverine is about to freeze to death, Iceman is about to melt, Beast is out of control, possessed by a sword in the back and then the hero comes along. Nightcrawler begins to pick up his friends and in the process renew some hope.

The book is at its best during these scenes because there are some mildly desperate moments that are then swept away into some heartfelt welcome home series of moments. Aaron takes care to give each character's greeting to Nightcrawler a distinct but not overly gushing emotion to them. The characterization fits him well as he gives his friends a warm smile and a wink as they seem shocked to finally be looking him in the eye. These scenes were done well.

The comic also manages to explain some of the plot along the way. One of the plot threads that I wasn't too thrilled at the reveal was the origin of the BAMFs. Somehow the mysteriousness of them was charming. Having them explained was kind of a downer.

Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle ReviewsYou know what you get with Ed McGuinness artwork. It's loud, it's vibrant, it's got muscles and it's got curves. It's a perfect fit for the fun nature of the book. The style lends itself to scenery not of Earth and of characters that require larger than life images. The book is a visual candy store from front to back.

Amazing X-Men is a comic that is bringing together a lot of A-list named X-Men to rescue Nightcrawler from the afterlife. It turns out, in this issue, that he is rescuing them. It's a fun ride and is definitely a book to check out. You will find some sweet moments, some fun moments, plenty of action and a lot of big time visuals. Give the book a shot if you are looking to kick back and just be entertained for a change.

4 out of 5 Geek Goggles