A brand-new comic series based on the award-winning game by Guerrilla. Aloy and Talanah return in a new story set after the events of the game! Nature has reclaimed the planet. Awe-inspiring machines dominate the land, as humanity fights for survival on this new earth.Co-created by one of the writers of Horizon Zero Dawn game Anne Toole. Horizon Zero Dawn FCBD #0 ties into this brand-new #1!

Product Title: Horizon Zero Dawn #1
Issue/Volume Number: 1
Number of Issues/Volumes in Series: Ongoing
Frequency of Publication (Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, etc.): Monthly
Intended Audience (All Ages, Mature Themes, Adult): Teen
Genre (Superhero, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Western, etc.): Gaming, Fantasy
Ship Date/Month: August 5, 2020

Author(s): Anne Toole
Artist(s): Ann Maulina
Cover Artist(s): Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau (CVR A), Game Art (CVR B), Loish (CVR C), Ann Maulina (CVR D), Peach Momoko (CVR E), Blue Line Sketch Variant (CVR F)

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1

Horizon Zero Dawn #1