Brandon Borzelli's Geek Goggle Reviews

Batman and Robin #2

Batman & Robin #2
DC Comics
Morrison & Quitely

The second issue of Batman and Robin manages to accomplish an awful lot in an effortless fashion. What the comic provides is something so simple that it seems obvious and yet it couldn't have been executed any better. The comic is essentially about Dick Grayson and Damien Wayne not living up to their new jobs, physically or mentally. The comic frames everything around a couple of new villains and the hint of a larger plot but the main story just uses these developments to put the new Batman and Robin in a very compromising position early on in their relationship and new roles. It's simply a terrific comic.

There are three comparisons to this story arc that might come to mind when reading this new series. First, Knightfall, Dick Grayson's first crack at becoming Batman, second, Batman and Son, Damien's arrival on the scene and RIP, Bruce Wayne's final adventure as Batman (for now).

Thus far, this comic does something very different than all three of those stories with these characters and style. With Knightfall, Dick doesn't struggle with being Batman, he struggles with the mental anguish of having to deal with scum night after night without an end. With Batman and Son, Damien is an arrogant gnat who seems to want to agitate and couldn't care less about the "job" at hand. Finally, with RIP, the general story is layered with red herrings and mystery that it just wasn't possible to read it once and "get" everything in a straightforward manner.

In this comic, Batman and Robin show at the police headquarters to talk to Gordon when a jailbreak begins to take place in the holding cells. Batman and Robin spring into action and completely fail. Gordon even has to draw his gun to restrain Robin from beating a villain to death. In the process another villain sneaks in and kills a suspect. In the fallout of all of this Dick is filling with complete doubt about his ability and he is all too aware that those around him know he is faking the role of Batman. He's essentially lost his audience before ever getting started.

The development with Dick is tremendous. The comic just tells a plain old story about Dick and everything not going well in his role as Batman. This is ground that Knightfall never really covered. Dick is a capable crime fighter and good detective, but it's the cops, Gordon and Robin that see him as a shallow replacement and his confidence is completely shaken as a result. This is where the role of Alfred is crucial and is used perfectly here. Alfred provides a pep talk and gives Dick a way to continue on as Batman without simply hoping people embrace him. Alfred also reminds Dick of just why he needs to continue even though Damien clearly has given up with working with Dick.

The comic digs so deep into the reasons why a Batman is needed and why Dick is the one who is best suited for the role. However, the comic is at its best because it so clearly illustrates how the surrounding characters drop their trust in him page to page. To read this issue you could easily see Dick completely giving up the mantle quickly. On the other hand you'd have to wonder if he this is the beginning of his turnaround and everything might start clicking in short order.

The art in the comic has a quality that is so timeless. To look at some panels you'd swear it was right out of the 1960s TV show, but on the other hand you see some other panels where it looks like a futuristic story. The art also takes its character creation to another level when Batman is fighting the man that appears be to three men connected to the same torso. You have to see it to believe it.

This issue is a great one. If you have any interest in Dick Grayson or Batman then this comic manages to break both down to their very foundations. In the process the comic has some interesting villains and manages to add more depth to the character of Damien. He's not just an arrogant, spoiled brat. He has intentions and ambition, just as the other Robins had before him. This is a must read.

5 out of 5 geek goggles