For those who don't know me, my name is Jeff Meyer. I've been an avid fan of antiques and collectibles since the age of about 8. I'm 42 now and have a passion for Golden Age comics (among many other alternative investments). I launched GoCollect in 2010 as a hobby to support the data gathering needs for my addiction collection. It has since evolved into a service used by thousands of people daily.

I promise to tell more of my story over time, but for now I wanted to share a link to the GoCollect Instagram page. Some folks asked me to share pictures from my collection there and I started putting them up. I have A LOT more to go, but I've at least got a start.

At this point, I'm really curious how many GoCollect users/members/readers are on IG. Can I ask you a favor? If you're reading this, will you give it a follow? I'm going to hold off posting more pictures there until we get to 500 followers.

Thanks everyone - happy collecting!